Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115


Mental Health
organization workplace
You may not realize it, but the state of your workspace has a profound effect on your stress level. In an untidy workplace, there is a constant and avoidable source of stress. In addition to affecting your mental health, this effect will have a negative impact on your work. It’s a good idea to clean...
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2022 New Years Resolutions
Science-based, actionable resolutions for 2022 Ignore the cliched New Year’s Resolutions such as weight loss and “be nicer.” If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, go for it, however here are ten actionable New Year’s resolutions that focus on creating a happier and more fulfilling life, along with the science behind each one. Writing...
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family holiday season
How to set those boundaries this holiday season Setting boundaries is a hard enough task as it is. But setting boundaries with family you’ve known for years can be a tough situation to navigate. We want to provide you with tips to guide you through the holiday season without allowing others to overstep boundaries that...
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Journals are where we go to explore our thoughts and feelings, to release and hone our creativity. Journals are often our most reliable therapist, audience and guide. Journaling has many known benefits:  Create focus in your life Develop empathy and self-awareness Release repressed or blocked emotions Make your inner world and your outer world more...
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depression month
Recent studies have shown that between 2009 and 2017, there were huge increases in mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders in adolescents and young adults (Twenge et al., 2019). Major depression in those between the ages of 12-25 increased from 8 percent to over 13 percent in that time frame. Mental...
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addiction disability
In September, we recognize Addiction awareness month. Similar to being blind or deaf, addiction is often thought of as a disability. The question of if addiction should be considered a disease is still controversial even decades later when it was designated as such. Some experts argue that addiction should instead be classified as a dysfunction...
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We all know that one coworker who vastly overestimates their own abilities to impress their boss.  Did you know this phenomenon has a name? The Dunning-Kruger Effect (DKE) is a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their ability or knowledge in a certain area. This is usually because of a lack of self-awareness that...
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We each have our own personality traits that are unique to us. These personality differences can be broken down into five major traits. These traits are known as the Big 5. Each trait gives insight into how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. The Big 5 Personality traits are:  Openness to experience – Curiosity/Creative imagination...
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Mental and physical health challenges affect everyone, including professional, elite, and Olympic athletes. When four-time champion female tennis player Naomi Osaka withdrew from the Roland-Garros French tennis competition due to depression in June 2021, the world was shocked. Pressure, media attention, and fines charged based on the tournament’s code of conduct caused Osaka to take...
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children's well being
Over the last decade, research has shown that unstructured free play has been rapidly declining despite the acknowledged benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged teachers and parents to see the benefits of unstructured play when schools were closed or virtual. Instead, there is often an emphasis on resume-building and more structured play. Extracurricular activities such...
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Beverly Hills Therapy Group

(248) 480-0115
31815 Southfield Rd #18
Beverly Hills, MI 48025