Eating a well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health. It’s important to nourish our bodies with the right nutrients and make choices that support our overall well-being. However, there’s a point where focusing too much on what we eat can become harmful. If you find yourself constantly checking food labels to avoid “bad” ingredients,...Read More
How to Embrace Authentic Emotions Embracing a positive mindset undoubtedly has its perks, promoting a sunny outlook and fostering a growth mindset. However, there’s a fine line, and occasionally, we find ourselves caught in the web of toxic positivity. What exactly is it, and why should we be cautious? Unpacking Toxic Positivity Have you ever...Read More
Many of us struggle with feeling good about our bodies, especially during winter vacations or the summer when we wear shorts and swimsuits. It can be tough to feel confident and positive about our appearance when we’re bombarded with images of “perfect” bodies in the media. But there are ways to work towards a healthier...Read More
We are deep into winter when the dreary, dark days seem to never end. Many people who experience symptoms of worry or sadness during this time have trouble understanding the root of their negative emotions. You may need to check-in on your mental hygiene practices when you cannot explain your feelings of dysphoria (feelings of...Read More
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) members don’t necessarily face a higher risk of mental health problems. LGBTQIA+ individuals can, however, suffer from mental health issues due to stigma and discrimination from family, friends, and society. Being LGBTQIA+ is not a mental illness or disorder. Further, it is vital to be aware...Read More
Clinically, negative thinking patterns are known as cognitive distortions. Negative thought patterns are an extreme and inaccurate way of thinking, such as: He’s late coming home from work, he must’ve been in an accident. I failed that exam. I should just drop out of school I’m bad at interviews, so what’s the point in applying...Read More
What is Doomscrolling? Doom-scrolling is an excessive amount of screen time dedicated to absorbing negative news. We’ve all been victims of it more than once just in the past two years. In addition to content, opinions and emotions also flood our shared internet community. With the number of high-profile events that have occurred since the...Read More
New research suggests that any amount of physical activity can protect your brain Moderate physical activity has been linked to better brain health in numerous studies. Research suggests that people who achieve at least moderate levels of fitness have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life than those who do not get...Read More
March 30 – World Bipolar Day World Bipolar Day is on March 30th. Psychological conditions such as bipolar disorder severely affect mood, thoughts, and behaviors. Bipolar disorder is different for each person, but there will always be emotional shifts involved. An emotional shift is characterized by periods of mania and/or depression. While some may experience...Read More
March 18: World Sleep Day Sleeping disorders, such as insomnia, can be challenging. When you can’t sleep well at night, it can make the rest of the day difficult. This cycle can negatively affect your relationships, mental health, and physical health. Good news: insomnia does not have to be a permanent problem. Sleeping well and...Read More