Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115


Marcy Sznewajs
media suicide prevention
There is nothing more devastating than suicide, but it can also fascinate some people. Each September, we recognize Suicide Awareness Month. Following the suicide of a celebrity or well-known person, there is typically a lot of media coverage, speculation, and gossip. Although it is understandable that suicide can be a topic that captures our attention,...
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suicide prevention
Suicide is hard to talk about. The subject is uncomfortable. This is in part due to stigmas, general discomfort, and cultural norms. It is painful to consider suicide or fear that a loved one is considering it – yet many are too afraid to bring up the topic because they don’t want those challenging emotions...
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addiction disability
In September, we recognize Addiction awareness month. Similar to being blind or deaf, addiction is often thought of as a disability. The question of if addiction should be considered a disease is still controversial even decades later when it was designated as such. Some experts argue that addiction should instead be classified as a dysfunction...
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We all know that one coworker who vastly overestimates their own abilities to impress their boss.  Did you know this phenomenon has a name? The Dunning-Kruger Effect (DKE) is a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their ability or knowledge in a certain area. This is usually because of a lack of self-awareness that...
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We each have our own personality traits that are unique to us. These personality differences can be broken down into five major traits. These traits are known as the Big 5. Each trait gives insight into how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. The Big 5 Personality traits are:  Openness to experience – Curiosity/Creative imagination...
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Mental and physical health challenges affect everyone, including professional, elite, and Olympic athletes. When four-time champion female tennis player Naomi Osaka withdrew from the Roland-Garros French tennis competition due to depression in June 2021, the world was shocked. Pressure, media attention, and fines charged based on the tournament’s code of conduct caused Osaka to take...
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Child Bias
Nearly all parents in the United States want their children to see and treat others equally, no matter their ethnic background or race. Many believe that if they do not point out differences to their children that perhaps they will not notice race, hoping that they will treat all differences the same as characteristics like...
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While not commonly known as body-focused repetitive behaviors or BFRBs, you likely have known or may even be or have been a person experiencing this set of disorders. BFRBs are when self-grooming routines go haywire and may include pulling, picking, biting, or scraping one’s nails, skin, or hair. Some disorders categorized as BFRBs include onychophagia...
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therapy questions
Your Most Frequently Asked Questions About Starting Therapy – Answered The signs that a person might benefit from therapy are not always apparent. Even people with no diagnosed mental health conditions or those with a strong support system may benefit from therapy at some point in their life. However, a person may not know when...
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children's well being
Over the last decade, research has shown that unstructured free play has been rapidly declining despite the acknowledged benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged teachers and parents to see the benefits of unstructured play when schools were closed or virtual. Instead, there is often an emphasis on resume-building and more structured play. Extracurricular activities such...
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Beverly Hills Therapy Group

(248) 480-0115
31815 Southfield Rd #18
Beverly Hills, MI 48025