If you struggle with disappointment or sadness during the holiday season, it can seem as though nothing is fulfilling. Even if your life is going great, you’re not alone if you feel this way sometimes. Even successful people can find themselves feeling crushed by the winter season. There are many strategies available to help you...Read More
Do you have a great work ethic, but struggle to stay on task? Or maybe you consider yourself responsible but often miss important details or miss deadlines, or are often late for meetings. Maybe you’re not very good at studying, but know that you’re smart. Sound familiar? It’s possible the cause is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,...Read More
Each year, many of us make health-related promises to ourselves. We attempt to take better care of ourselves and set goals to exercise and eat healthier. Just as our physical health and fitness are important, so is our mental fitness. It’s vital to our overall health and happiness. We live longer and richer lives when we...Read More
Often, mental health issues begin during the school years. It may seem logical that mental health education should be a vital part of the curriculum and to begin at an early age, yet that is not the reality in most schools. Stigma and misconceptions are prevalent, and knowledge lacking. Yet, since children spend much of...Read More
Mental resilience is trending, and for good reason! Resilience, or the ability to adapt and bounce back during difficult times or trauma, makes us better able to handle challenges that happen during our lives and remain strong. Often, resilient individuals have already overcome difficulties in their lives and are better equipped to face challenges when...Read More
In the U.S., we’ve recently seen mental health issues coming to the forefront of conversations, especially as these issues present themselves in diverse ways. These conversations are still uncomfortable, but we must have courage to talk about these issues with our family and friends. Yet stigmas and disparities surrounding mental health issues often prevent mental...Read More
Do you feel guilty for saying no? Often those who feel this guilt fear rejection, disapproval, blame or criticism. They may feel a lack of recognition. These fears are irrational beliefs and often become worse while under stress. These feelings don’t need to be your normal. People-pleasers are fearful of saying “no” due to a...Read More
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that is usually diagnosed after an individual experiences symptoms beyond one month following a traumatic event. PTSD symptoms may not show up until months, or even years later. There are three main types of symptoms that appear prior to being diagnosed: Difficulty sleeping, trouble concentrating,...Read More
In today’s stressed out, burnt out society, it’s no wonder that self-care is trending. Self-care is the practice of taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health by improving your overall wellbeing. Consistent self-care practice has been shown to build confidence and self-esteem, improve productivity, and be able to more easily cope and adapt...Read More
Assuming too much responsibility could increase your chances of developing OCD and anxiety. Researchers from Hiroshima University surveyed American college students about their feelings related to three types of responsibility: responsibility to prevent or avoid harm, responsibility for negative results, and responsibility to resolve a problem. The team found that participants who felt strong feelings...Read More