Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115


March: American National Nutrition Month Depression remains one of the largest health issues in the United States, affecting millions of Americans. The economic burden of depression has been estimated to reach nearly $200 billion annually, sometimes leading to disability in adults and children. Estimated to cause severe impairments in nearly 10 million Americans, depression rates...
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eating disorders
From February 23 to March 1, we recognize National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a triple threat to those suffering from eating disorders. Fear regarding health and food combined with social isolation can have a large impact on recovery. Stay-at-home orders, economic uncertainty, and stress relating to the pandemic only add...
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If you believe your loved one is in danger, call 911 immediately. It’s challenging to help friends or family members who are struggling with an eating disorder and not receiving the help they need. February is Eating Disorder Awareness month and if you need some guidance, there are several ways you can safely assist your...
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Beverly Hills Therapy Group

(248) 480-0115
31815 Southfield Rd #18
Beverly Hills, MI 48025