Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115

How to Manage Pandemic Fatigue

The globe has been living with the COVID-19 pandemic for months and the spread of the virus is still rising in many parts of the world. As the pandemic continues, many are getting tired of taking precautions to safeguard themselves and others. Prior to 2020, most cultures were not used to wearing face masks in public, socially distancing, or washing their hands frequently. Keeping up with the constantly changing guidelines, information, and precautions can be overwhelming. Sustained behavioral changes are difficult, especially when you don’t want to wear a mask or say no to things you want or like to do. 

Many are still removed from the consequences of getting COVID-19 or having a loved one get sick. The risk may not feel real if you do not know anyone personally who has contracted the virus. However, to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and the community safe we must continue to take precautions. This is causing many to suffer from ‘pandemic fatigue’. We’ve put together some tips to help you cope with pandemic fatigue or burnout.

Stay Committed

Many safety precautions we take are routine, therefore we don’t think twice about these behaviors such as wearing a seatbelt, wearing a helmet when riding a bike, or stopping at a stop sign. These decisions keep ourselves and others safe, even if they seem inconvenient. We have clear intentions about why we take these precautions. Stay committed to washing your hands, socially distancing, and wearing a mask in public. These practices will eventually become habitual if you stick to them. 

Stay Flexible

As we’ve seen the past few months, recommendations from experts change day by day. The scientific community continues to learn more about the virus and update the general public which can lead to confusion. Do you need to wear a mask outside? Do you need to disinfect your groceries? It’s challenging, but important, to stay up-to-date on current precautions. Try to find a reliable, trustworthy source of information as changes continue in the coming months. 

Keep Supplies on Hand

It is hard to wear a face mask if you cannot find one. Keep extras in your bags and vehicle to remove barriers to wearing them in public places. You should also keep small, travel-sized bottles of hand sanitizer in several areas to encourage hand hygiene. If you have children, encourage them to wear masks by having a variety of fun, kid-friendly patterns available. You can even let them pick out the masks that they’d like to have or choose a scent of hand sanitizer they enjoy. Letting children be involved encourages safe practices. 

Adapting to life during the pandemic is possible. If you are struggling with pandemic fatigue, we are seeing patients remotely. Contact us to set up a telehealth visit.

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