Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115

Apps to Help You Cope with COVID-19

Covid-19 apps

As we navigate our new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, technology can be a tremendous blessing for keeping us connected, entertained, and even allowing some of us to work remotely. During the past few months, many apps have made adjustments to their prices or offering to help us cope with the pandemic and practice safe social distancing or self-care.

These are a few of our favorite apps that can help you cope both mentally and physically during the pandemic.  

Peloton ($12.99/month for the digital app)

Exercise is incredibly beneficial to our mental and physical health. During exercise, we lower our stress hormones and receive a huge boost in mood. If you’ve struggled to maintain an active lifestyle during the pandemic or could use exercise to improve your physical and mental health, the Peloton app has many options that are easy and affordable during this time. While the Peloton spin bike and treadmill have big price tags, the app also has outdoor running and walking programs, strength training, yoga, bootcamp classes, and even stretching and meditation on top of their cycling and treadmill programs. If you have a spin bike at home or a treadmill, you do not need the Peloton brand machines to use the app, simply follow along with the instructor cues. When you’re stuck indoors, the app makes it easy and affordable to  maintain a fitness routine. 

Squad (Free)

If you’re seeking a way to meet new people and make connections, Squad is a unique app that helps people engage and have meaningful conversations online. Users are matched to a “squad” that has virtual meetups each week to discuss different topics or just hangout. 

Quibi (Free for 90 days)

Quibi is a short-form content platform that launch in April 2020. If you’re short on time (which isn’t the case for many of us right now) or just enjoy smaller bites of entertainment, Quibi provides easy to watch programming. Shows are all less than 10 minutes long and range from a revived Punk’d series by Chance the Rapper to a Judge Judy-esque show from Chrissy Teigen. The short, funny videos can provide a mental break and give you something to occupy your mind with if you’re bored. After the 90-day trial, plans start at $4.99/month up to $7.99/month for an ad-free experience. 

Houseparty (Free)

Quarantine and self-isolation is challenging for our social lives. Maintaining social connections is more important than ever to ward off emotional distress. Houseparty is a face-to-face platform that allows you to communicate with a group of friends all in one place. The platform also includes virtual games you can play with your friends such as trivia or Heads Up. 

Ense (Free)

Created by the co-founder of Venmo, Ense is an audio-only social network similar to Instagram, but with audio clips instead of pictures. Users can share random thoughts or meet new people through the platform. 

Marco Polo (free)

Marco Polo allows users to send video messages back and forth between friends and family, similar to texting. This is a great option for people who may not be on the same timezone but would like to send a video message instead of a text. 

Staying connected to each other is so important to our mental and emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using apps is a benefit that is easily accessible to most and allows us to maintain connection and provides self-care. 

If you or anyone else you are aware of is struggling, reach out to a friend, family member, or mental health professional. Remember that you are never alone. During this time, our office is providing Telehealth services in order to best serve you. Learn more here

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