Beverly Hills Therapy Group
(248) 480-0115

Finding Gratitude in the Darkness at Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving – the time of year where we rejoice with family, friends, and loved ones to celebrate our gratitude. But when struggling with mental health, the holidays can often be a time of burden and overwhelm. The thick shroud of fog that mental illness can impose on an individual can make it hard to see anything else, especially gratitude. This holiday season, we offer our tips for navigating this difficult time of year. 

Take time to unwind. 

It’s been a crazy year. Dealing with work, school, COVID-19, and personal problems can lead to not having much time to spend on yourself and the things that you enjoy. We encourage you to take this extra time to focus on yourself. Indulge in hobbies you’ve been putting off. Spend time with loved ones or pets. Or maybe just spend a day or two under a warm blanket enjoying your favorite new Netflix series. 


Thanksgiving is, after all, the time to spend with loved ones. Whether that be dinner with family, a movie night with friends, a special date with a significant other, or extra playtime with your kids or pets. Take time to be with those who have a positive impact on you and your mental health. 

Check-in with yourself. 

The holiday season can sometimes be a trigger for some people’s mental health. Take this time to evaluate your body and mind. Notice what you feel and acknowledge it. Take time to reflect on your progress and understand that mental health progress is not always linear, but it does get better. If you find yourself struggling, reach out to someone who can help. Mental health counselors are here to provide help in a calming and safe environment. It can be a good idea to make an appointment ahead of time if you know the holiday season is difficult for you. 

However you choose to spend your holidays, we wish you happiness and safety as you continue to finish out the year. We hope these tips provide a sense of comfort for those struggling. You are never alone in the fight against mental illness and we are forever grateful that you allow us to fight that battle along with you

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